Exam just finished last saturday..a very tiring one...eventhough just 4 papers, but master exams of course would not be as easy as degree one (wow, now I can really say the degree one is easy..hahah)..quite tough questions, tough answers, but of course the expectations also very high..somemore those exams were held during raya mood..raya ke-empat dh kena blk shah alam..huhuh...penat2..
But at least a day after that we still got chance to celebrate raya (eventhough on the sunday morning hv to go to not-so-boring-but-have-to-get-up-early-on-sunday-morning-short class). Thanks to Wina sebab invited us for her not-so-open-house open house on the night. We had a great time, nice food (eat a lot), nice swimming pool view, and most importantly, fabulous RAYA mood...hahhaaa...well, that was my second open house I went this year actually after the first one was my house itself...so, officially Wina's was the first one laa...huhuhu..tak best btol raya tahun ni..btw, these are some pics taken during..ermm lets call it Wina's Raya Day!hehehe..
(from left: ct, acap (husband ct), firdaus (class rep), wina (tn umah), kak ika(roommate), me,nadiah. behind: ummi, kak hani, basirah)
gdluck for your future undertakings yer kinah....
wahahaha..thanks lobo!!!u too!!
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