It's been a tiring day...taktaulaa nape, tp hari ni memang sgt penat for me..banyak sgt bende kena buat. kena buat assignments yg sgt byk, kena buat research proposal, kena buat tutorial, kena buat, lepas maghrib tadi, dgn senang hatinya, i took a first, intentionally it was a rupenye it ended up as membuta...hehehe...konon2 nk bangun kul 9, sekali kul 12 daaaa...maybe for these few days not enough, sapa ckp master ni sng???sape ckp master ni rilek??? tlg restate blk perception anda sbb those perceptions adalah salah sama sekali. But, the worst thing is, i'm enjoying these. hahhahaha...teruk kan??maybe sbb dh rase yg lg worst than this masa keje bila dh masuk blajar balik, eventhough still sangat bz but at least ada ruang untuk bernafas...its not that i regretted the craziness masa keje dulu, those were really valuable experience...but, rasa2 i feel more alive now rather than last time...(erkk, feels like zombie lak) the way, there are still lot more to do...dalam bz2 ni pon boleh pulak nk blogging...gatal betol..heheh...rase mcm nak hantuk pale kt dinding.
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