Friday, September 18, 2009

Keretaku tersadai....

It's approximately 6.30 pm and I'm at kilometre 28.3, before Jitra exit.. huhuhu..kereta tersadai tepi jalan...apalaaa nasib, nak blk raya..I was with my cousin and his friend, nak blk kampung ...then suddenly lepas je tol Jitra, tingkap xleh bukak, radio senyap, signal tak nyala, and the car suddenly plus, 3-4 kali baru angkat and they came..buat jump start sket, then they diagnosed that altenator rosak (perghh, macam doktor lak, main diagnosed2), terpaksa call my dad, then dia bwk mekanik dtg, rite now mekanik tengah ganti ape yg patut..then now we're stucked, waiting for the mechanic to finish his work..harap2nyee sempatlaaa siap before bukak posa...huhhuhu....what a day...


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